Software Development Engineer – Front End 1378 views

We are looking for Software Development Engineers – Frontend who are motivated to deliver high performant web pages to users and eager to learn new things. Responsibilities will include implementing part/feature of a web application or developing new ones. You will work with other passionate team members and deliver based on requirements from business users.


  • Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering or Science from a reputable university (with min GPA 3.0)
  • Good troubleshooting and problem solving skills
  • Love to experiment and try new things related to Web and Mobile technologies
  • Proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5, JS and CSS
  • Basic understanding of CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS and SASS
  • Experienced well with advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as VueJS, AngularJS, ReactJS etc
  • Having experience in projects working on asynchronous request handling, SPA, API and JSON
  • Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning toolsCARA DAFTARKirim resume CV anda ke alamat link dibawah ini

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